
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Panificio di Aulus Rustius Verus. Samnite house later converted to a bakery.

Partially excavated 1888-1891. New excavations 2023.


Excavation in the area around Via Nola began in 1888 but was soon interrupted. After more than a century, excavations have resumed and have already revealed many surprises. Two atrium houses have emerged, which were already partially investigated in the 19th century; they date to the Samnite period but were transformed in the 1st Century CE into workshops. There is a laundry set up in the atrium of House number two, with work benches and tubs for washing and dying clothes, as well as a bakery with an oven, spaces far millstones and rooms for processing and the creation of food, to be distributed throughout the city.

In these last rooms, the skeletal remains of three victims of the eruption were discovered, three Pompeiian refugees who were in search of salvation but instead found death due to collapsing attics.

The first anthropological investigations indicate that they were two individual adults, probably women based on primary analysis conducted in situ, and one baby of approximately 3-4 years old. The individuals were found in an already excavated environment, where 40cm of intact stratigraphy remained. They rested directly on the floor - ultimately thanks to evidence from postmortem settlement processes, a series of postmortem traumas due to the collapsing attic from above can be seen; these fragments were mixed with white pumice lapilli, which are characteristic of the first phases of the Plinian Eruption of 79 CE.

The intertwining of politics and bakeries is attested in this house IX 10,1 by a series of electoral inscriptions in favour of Aulus Rustius Verus, whose initials also appear on the two elements of a millstone

See PAP New excavations in Regio IX


Lo scavo nell'area, lungo via di Nola, fu iniziato nel 1888, ma fu presto interrotto. Dopo più di un secolo è stato ripreso e ha già restituito sorprese. Emergono due case ad atrio, già parzialmente indagato nell'800, costruite in età Sannitica e trasformate nel I secolo d.C. in officine produttive. Si tratta di una fullonica (lavanderia) impiantata nell'atrio dell'abitazione al civico 2, con banconi da lavoro e vasche per il lavaggio e la tintura degli abiti e di un panificio con il forno, gli spazi per le macine e gli ambienti per la lavorazione e la creazione dei prodotti alimentari da distribuire in città.

In questi ultimi ambienti sono affiorati i resti ossei di tre vittime dell'eruzione, tre pompeiani che si erano rifugiati in cerca della salvezza e che hanno invece trovato la morte sotto i crolli dei solai.

Le prime indagini antropologiche indicano due individui pienamente adulti, probabilmente donne sulla base delle prime analisi in situ, e di un bambino di età approssimativa intorno ai 3-4 anni. Gli individui sono stati ritrovati in un ambiente già scavato, dove erano rimasti solamente 40 cm. di stratigrafia intatta. Essi poggiavano a diretto contatto con il pavimento, e presentavano - unitamente alle evidenze di importanti processi di assestamento postmortem - una serie di traumi perimortem dovuti al crollo del solaio soprastante, i cui frammenti erano frammisti a lapilli pomicei bianchi, che caratterizzano le prime fasi dell'eruzione Pliniana del 79 d.C. a Pompei.

L’intreccio tra politica e panifici, è attestato proprio nella questa casa IX 10,1 da una serie di iscrizioni elettorali a favore di Aulus Rustius Verus, le cui iniziali appaiono anche sui due elementi di una macina.

Vedi PAP Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

1888-1891 excavations

Sogliano wrote –

In the autumn of 1888, the front of the insula situated to the east of Reg. IX.7 (Note: now renumbered as IX.9), and also Insula 2-5, of Reg. V on the north side of Via Nolana were excavated. I do not report on these dwellings until they have been completely excavated, I merely describe some paintings and report on the painted and scratched epigraphs, which have come to light.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. Insula to the east of Ins 7, Reg. IX. 
House with entrance from the 1st doorway on the north side, counting from the north-west, in the cubiculum to the right of the entrance corridor, on white plaster, one could read a graffito in elegant letters.

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

Moschis Egrotes   [CIL IV 5339]

(see also Notizie degli Scavi, 1888, p.522)

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Insula to the east of Ins 7, Reg. IX.

House with entrance from the 1st doorway on the north side, counting from the north-west, in the cubiculum to the right of the entrance corridor, on white plaster, one could read a graffito in elegant letters.


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

Moschis Egrotes   [CIL IV 5339]


See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1888, p.522.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. In a room to the left of the entrance corridor, scratched deeply on red plaster -

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read
AB vib / "GR"   [CIL IV 5340]

See Notizie degli Scavi, 1891, (p.266, no. II.)

IX.10.1 Pompeii. In a room to the left of the entrance corridor, scratched deeply on red plaster -


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

AB vib / "GR"   [CIL IV 5340]


See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1891, (p.266, no. II.)


2023 excavations

New excavations were commenced in 2023 as part of works to rectify and resolve hydrological and conservation problems in excavations.

Based on building techniques (block work and frame work), altered in several parts by ancient and modern consolidation interventions and reconstruction, the buildings could have been built as early as the 3rd century BC. and subsequently restructured by modifying the distributive structure of the original environments of the Samnite age. The atrium houses of the 3rd century BC were already transformed during the 1st century AD. into workshops for production activities, with the installation of a bakery in the western sector of IX.10.1, and a laundry in the atrium of IX.10.2.


IX.10.1 Pompeii.  Plan of excavations as of December 2023. 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 86, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1 Pompeii.  Plan of excavations as of December 2023.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 86, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Plan showing excavation of IX.10.1 to date.
1: Fauces
2:  Atrium
2A: Space partitioned off in north-west corner of atrium 
3:  Cubiculum
4:  Room for bread making
5:  Cubiculum
6:  Oecus
7:  Bakery
7A: Oven
8:  Cubiculum
9:  Room used as a stable for animals
10: Corridor
11: not shown
12: Lararium
13: Room used for the deposit and storage of grain sacks
14: Tablinum
15: Room in south-east corner
16: Ala
See Pompeii E-Journal 06 28.09.2023, p. 61, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Plan showing excavation of IX.10.1 to date.

1: Fauces

2:  Atrium

2A: Space partitioned off in north-west corner of atrium

3:  Cubiculum

4:  Room for bread making

5:  Cubiculum

6:  Oecus

7:  Bakery

7A: Oven

8:  Cubiculum

9:  Room used as a stable for animals

10: Corridor

11: not shown

12: Lararium

13: Room used for the deposit and storage of grain sacks

14: Tablinum

15: Room in south-east corner

16: Ala

See Pompeii E-Journal 06 28.09.2023, p. 61, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IIX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. View west across the house excavations.
The partially visible structures already suggested the presence of a large atrium with the canonical succession of rooms on the eastern side and, on the opposite side, the entrance to the production sector of the oven. The atrium was freed from the resulting material of the nineteenth-century excavations revealing the collapse of the compluvium roof within the layer of white pumice and a residual portion of the volcanic layers from flow (cinerites) in the southern sector. This sector still partially encumbered by the collapses preserves the frescoed tablinum (14) which occupies the entire slope with, in the south-west corner, an access corridor to a still unexplored sector. The removal of volcanic ashes has revealed in this point the surviving presence of a frescoed panel with a black background with a still life.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Vista ovest attraverso gli scavi della casa.
Le strutture parzialmente a vista facevano già supporre la presenza di un ampio atrio con la canonica successione degli ambienti sul lato orientale e, sul lato opposto, l’ingresso al settore produttivo del forno. L’atrio è stato liberato dal materiale di risulta degli scavi ottocenteschi rivelando il crollo delle coperture compluviate all’interno dello strato di pomici bianche e una porzione residuale degli strati vulcanici da flusso (cineriti) nel settore meridionale. Questo settore ancora in parte ingombro dai crolli conserva il tablino affrescato (14) che occupa l’intero versante con, nell’angolo sud-ovest, un corridoio di accesso ad un settore ancora non esplorato. La rimozione delle ceneri vulcaniche ha rivelato in questo punto la presenza superstite di un pannello affrescato a fondo nero con natura morta.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 2-3. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. View looking west across the house excavations.

The partially visible structures already suggested the presence of a large atrium with the canonical succession of rooms on the eastern side and, on the opposite side, the entrance to the production sector of the oven. The atrium was freed from the resulting material of the nineteenth-century excavations revealing the collapse of the compluvium roof within the layer of white pumice and a residual portion of the volcanic layers from flow (cinerites) in the southern sector. This sector still partially encumbered by the collapses preserves the frescoed tablinum (14) which occupies the entire slope with, in the south-west corner, an access corridor to a still unexplored sector. The removal of volcanic ashes has revealed in this point the surviving presence of a frescoed panel with a black background with a still life.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Vista ovest attraverso gli scavi della casa.

Le strutture parzialmente a vista facevano già supporre la presenza di un ampio atrio con la canonica successione degli ambienti sul lato orientale e, sul lato opposto, l’ingresso al settore produttivo del forno. L’atrio è stato liberato dal materiale di risulta degli scavi ottocenteschi rivelando il crollo delle coperture compluviate all’interno dello strato di pomici bianche e una porzione residuale degli strati vulcanici da flusso (cineriti) nel settore meridionale. Questo settore ancora in parte ingombro dai crolli conserva il tablino affrescato (14) che occupa l’intero versante con, nell’angolo sud-ovest, un corridoio di accesso ad un settore ancora non esplorato. La rimozione delle ceneri vulcaniche ha rivelato in questo punto la presenza superstite di un pannello affrescato a fondo nero con natura morta.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 2-3. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Tablinum 14. South wall. Painting of Achilles on Skyros.
IX.10.1 Pompei. Settembre 2023. Tablino 14. Parete sud. Quadro con Achille a Sciro.
See PAP e-journal 3, 24.03.2024, p. 5-6, fig. 12. Download: PAP E-Journal 03 25.03.2024
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Tablinum 14. South wall. Painting of Achilles on Skyros.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Settembre 2023. Tablino 14. Parete sud. Quadro con Achille a Sciro.

See PAP e-journal 3, 24.03.2024, p. 5-6, fig. 12. Download: PAP E-Journal 03 25.03.2024

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Tablinum 14. West wall.
Remains of a reconstructed painting of “Selene and Endymion”.
IX.10.1 Pompei. Settembre 2023. Tablino 14. Parete ovest. Resta di un quadro ricostruito con “Selene ed Endimione”.
See PAP e-journal 3, 25.03.2024, p. 5-6, fig. 13. Download: PAP E-Journal 03 25.03.2024
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Tablinum 14. West wall.

Remains of a reconstructed painting of “Selene and Endymion”.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Settembre 2023. Tablino 14. Parete ovest. Resta di un quadro ricostruito con “Selene ed Endimione”.

See PAP e-journal 3, 25.03.2024, p. 5-6, fig. 13. Download: PAP E-Journal 03 25.03.2024

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Plan showing excavations underway in rooms 4, 7 and oven 7a.
IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Planimetria degli scavi in corso nell’ambiente 4, 7 e il forno 7a.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Plan showing excavations underway in rooms 4, 7 and oven 7a.

The ongoing excavation activities are currently involving the north-western sector of the insula (house number 1), in particular rooms 4, 7 and oven 7a, delimited by the northern front of via di Nola and the vicolo to the west of the insula. The partially visible structures already suggested the presence of a production plant with an oven, a hypothesis that was confirmed when the soil accumulated after the investigations carried out in the 19th century was removed. The latter, having concentrated not only on the living quarters at number 2 but also on the rooms facing via di Nola, had in fact involved our three rooms, fortunately without reaching the floor level everywhere.


IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Planimetria degli scavi in corso nell’ambiente 4, 7 e il forno 7a.

Le attività di scavo in corso stanno interessando il settore nord-ovest dell’isolato (civico 1), in particolare gli ambienti 4, 7 e il forno 7a, delimitati dal fronte settentrionale di via di Nola e dal vicolo ad ovest dell’insula. Le strutture parzialmente a vista facevano già supporre la presenza di un impianto produttivo con forno, ipotesi che ha trovato conferma allorché si è proceduto alla rimozione dell’interro, costituito dal terreno accumulatosi successivamente alle attività d’indagine condotte nell’Ottocento; queste ultime, essendosi concentrate oltre che sull’unità abitativa al civico 2 anche sui vani prospicienti via di Nola, avevano, infatti, interessato i nostri tre ambienti, fortunatamente senza giungere ovunque alla quota pavimentale.


Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 3, Fig 1. E-journal on PAP web site


Via di Nola. Pompeii. May 2024. Looking east towards IX.10.1. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Via di Nola. Pompeii. May 2024. Looking east towards IX.10.1. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Via di Nola. Pompeii. May 2024. Looking east on south side at IX.10.1 and 2. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Via di Nola. Pompeii. May 2024. Looking east on south side at IX.10.1 and 2. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. July 2011. 
Front wall and bread making  room 4 on Via di Nola and side wall on unnamed vicolo between IX.10 and IX.9. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. July 2011.

Front wall and bread making  room 4 on Via di Nola and side wall on unnamed vicolo between IX.10 and IX.9. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer. 


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Wall of front façade on Via di Nola, with cubiculum 3 and breadmaking room 4 on west side of entrance.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Wall of front façade on Via di Nola, with cubiculum 3 and breadmaking room 4 on west side of entrance.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance doorway 1, looking south.
Access to No. 1 was blocked by a modern wall, built at the bottom of the entrance to contain the embankment behind it. From the street level of Via di Nola, the height of the excavation front gradually increased by approximately 5 m up to the plateau that encompasses almost the entire insula. At no. 2 is the atrium house, which at the time of the resumption of the investigations had the floors of the rooms covered by a layer of soil slipped from the embankment.

L’accesso al civico 1 era inibito da un muro moderno, costruito sul fondo dell’ingresso per contenere il terrapieno retrostante. Dal piano stradale di via di Nola, la quota del fronte di scavo aumentava progressivamente di circa 5 m fino al pianoro che ingloba la quasi totalità dell’insula. Al civico 2 si sviluppa la Casa ad atrio che al momento della ripresa delle indagini presentava i piani di calpestio degli ambienti coperti da uno strato di terreno scivolato dal terrapieno.
Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 2-3. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance doorway 1, looking south.

Access to No. 1 was blocked by a modern wall, built at the bottom of the entrance to contain the embankment behind it. From the street level of Via di Nola, the height of the excavation front gradually increased by approximately 5 m up to the plateau that encompasses almost the entire insula. At no. 2 is the atrium house, which at the time of the resumption of the investigations had the floors of the rooms covered by a layer of soil slipped from the embankment.


L’accesso al civico 1 era inibito da un muro moderno, costruito sul fondo dell’ingresso per contenere il terrapieno retrostante. Dal piano stradale di via di Nola, la quota del fronte di scavo aumentava progressivamente di circa 5 m fino al pianoro che ingloba la quasi totalità dell’insula. Al civico 2 si sviluppa la Casa ad atrio che al momento della ripresa delle indagini presentava i piani di calpestio degli ambienti coperti da uno strato di terreno scivolato dal terrapieno.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 2-3. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance, looking south.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance, looking south.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking down from above onto Via di Nola. Room 6, entrance fauces 1, rooms 3 and 4 and oven 7a are partly visible.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010.

Looking down from above onto Via di Nola. Room 6, entrance fauces 1, rooms 3 and 4 and oven 7a are partly visible.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. 
Entrance fauces 1, cubiculum 3 and bred making room 4 and oven 7a are partly visible on the left of the Via di Nola. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010.

Entrance fauces 1, cubiculum 3 and bread making room 4 and oven 7a are partly visible on the left of the Via di Nola. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking down from above onto Via di Nola. Rooms 3 and 4 and oven 7a are partly visible.
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010.

Looking down from above onto Via di Nola. Rooms 3 and 4 and oven 7a are partly visible. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking down onto Via di Nola. Oecus 6, entrance fauces 1, rooms 3 and 4 and oven 7a are partly visible.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010.

Looking down onto Via di Nola. Oecus 6, entrance fauces 1, rooms 3 and 4 and oven 7a are partly visible.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance fauces 1 and cubiculum 3 on the west of it. Looking north to Via di Nola.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance fauces 1 and cubiculum 3 on the west of it. Looking north to Via di Nola.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Remains of west wall of cubiculum 3 near the entrance.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Remains of west wall of cubiculum 3 near the entrance.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2009. Entrance fauces 1, with oecus 6 on left, looking south from Via di Nola.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2009. Entrance fauces 1, with oecus 6 on left, looking south from Via di Nola.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 6, oecus, on east side of entrance.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 6, oecus, on east side of entrance.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south-west across room 4 and oven 7a in bakery room 7 on the west of the entrance.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south-west across room 4 and oven 7a in bakery room 7, on the west side of the entrance.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. Floor of bread making room 4.
Starting from the north, we come to room 4, rectangular in shape, divided into two zones: the western one with an opus signinum floor on which masonry elements rest which probably supported tables or cupboards for working bread dough; the eastern one with a paved floor probably intended for grinding grain. A deposit of pumice 0.4 m thick rested on the floor level.

Partendo da nord s’incontra l’ambiente 4, di forma rettangolare, diviso in due zone: quella occidentale con pavimento in cocciopesto su cui poggiano elementi in muratura che sostenevano, probabilmente, tavolati o madie per la lavorazione dell’impasto del pane; quello orientale con pavimento basolato verosimilmente destinato alla macinazione delle granaglie. Sul piano pavimentale poggiava un deposito di pomici spesso 0.4 m.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 3, fig. 2. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Floor of bread making room 4.

Starting from the north, we come to room 4, rectangular in shape, divided into two zones: the western one with an opus signinum floor on which masonry elements rest which probably supported tables or cupboards for working bread dough; the eastern one with a paved floor probably intended for grinding grain. A deposit of pumice 0.4 m thick rested on the floor level.


Partendo da nord s’incontra l’ambiente 4, di forma rettangolare, diviso in due zone: quella occidentale con pavimento in cocciopesto su cui poggiano elementi in muratura che sostenevano, probabilmente, tavolati o madie per la lavorazione dell’impasto del pane; quello orientale con pavimento basolato verosimilmente destinato alla macinazione delle granaglie. Sul piano pavimentale poggiava un deposito di pomici spesso 0.4 m.


Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 3, fig. 2. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 4. Skeletons of individual 1 (left) and individual 2 (right) on the paved floor. 
A circular cut around which the paving stones are arranged, suggests the presence of an original millstone removed in modern times.
IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Camera 4. Scheletri dell'individuo 1 (a sinistra) e dell'individuo 2 (a destra) sulla pavimentazione.
Un taglio circolare attorno al quale sono disposte le pietre, suggerisce la presenza di una macina originale rimossa in tempi moderni.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 7ff, fig. 9. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 4. Skeletons of individual 1 (left) and individual 2 (right) on the paved floor.

A circular cut around which the paving stones are arranged, suggests the presence of an original millstone removed in modern times.


IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Camera 4. Scheletri dell'individuo 1 (a sinistra) e dell'individuo 2 (a destra) sulla pavimentazione.

Un taglio circolare attorno al quale sono disposte le pietre, suggerisce la presenza di una macina originale rimossa in tempi moderni.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 7ff, fig. 9. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Skeleton of individual 1 with collapsed material covering some parts. 
Individual 1, probably female, lay in dorsal recumbency in direct contact with the paved floor. The skeletonized body was in direct contact with the heavy blocks of the collapsed floor and white pumice lapilli, in the total absence of the ash deposit, probably removed in the previous excavation operations. Four large blocks in particular seem to have had a direct impact on the body, at the level of the skull/cervical spine, right ribcage, left upper limb and right lower limb. The skull was turned to the right side while the spine and ribcage were flattened to less than 2 cm in some points. Near the left hand, in which they were probably held and from which they slipped, two coins were found, probably two asses, whose minting is yet to be precisely identified. It is clear how these indicators, together with the very numerous fractures at the level of almost all of the skeletal elements, are the consequence of the strong traumas on the body of the individual at the time of death, but also of the taphonomic factors which occurred subsequently due to the pressure exerted by the different weights of the overlying elements, together with the irregular profile of the floor level.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Scheletro dell'individuo 1 con materiale collassato che copre alcune parti.
L’individuo 1, di probabile sesso femminile, giaceva in decubito dorsale a diretto contatto con la pavimentazione basolata. Il corpo scheletrizzato era a diretto contatto con i pesanti blocchi del solaio collassato e lapilli pomicei bianchi, in totale assenza del deposito cineritico, verosimilmente asportato nelle operazioni di scavo precedenti. Quattro grandi blocchi in particolare sembrano avere avuto un impatto diretto con il corpo, a livello di cranio/rachide cervicale, emicostato destro, arto superiore sinistri e arto inferiore destro. Il cranio era voltato sul lato destro mentre la colonna e la cassa toracica, erano appiattiti fino a misurare in alcuni punti meno di 2 cm. Vicino alla mano sinistra, in cui erano probabilmente trattenute e da cui sono scivolate, sono state rinvenute due monete, verosimilmente due assi, il cui conio è ancora da identificare con precisione. È chiaro come tali indicatori, insieme alle numerosissime fratture a livello della quasi totalità degli elementi scheletrici, siano conseguenza dei forti traumi sul corpo dell’individuo al momento della morte, ma anche dei fattori tafonomici intervenuti successivamente a causa della pressione esercitata dal peso differenziato degli elementi sovrastanti, unitamente al profilo irregolare del piano pavimentale.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 7-8, fig. 10. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Skeleton of individual 1 with collapsed material covering some parts.

Individual 1, probably female, lay in dorsal recumbency in direct contact with the paved floor. The skeletonized body was in direct contact with the heavy blocks of the collapsed floor and white pumice lapilli, in the total absence of the ash deposit, probably removed in the previous excavation operations. Four large blocks in particular seem to have had a direct impact on the body, at the level of the skull/cervical spine, right ribcage, left upper limb and right lower limb. The skull was turned to the right side while the spine and ribcage were flattened to less than 2 cm in some points. Near the left hand, in which they were probably held and from which they slipped, two coins were found, probably two asses, whose minting is yet to be precisely identified. It is clear how these indicators, together with the very numerous fractures at the level of almost all of the skeletal elements, are the consequence of the strong traumas on the body of the individual at the time of death, but also of the taphonomic factors which occurred subsequently due to the pressure exerted by the different weights of the overlying elements, together with the irregular profile of the floor level.


IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Scheletro dell'individuo 1 con materiale collassato che copre alcune parti.

L’individuo 1, di probabile sesso femminile, giaceva in decubito dorsale a diretto contatto con la pavimentazione basolata. Il corpo scheletrizzato era a diretto contatto con i pesanti blocchi del solaio collassato e lapilli pomicei bianchi, in totale assenza del deposito cineritico, verosimilmente asportato nelle operazioni di scavo precedenti. Quattro grandi blocchi in particolare sembrano avere avuto un impatto diretto con il corpo, a livello di cranio/rachide cervicale, emicostato destro, arto superiore sinistri e arto inferiore destro. Il cranio era voltato sul lato destro mentre la colonna e la cassa toracica, erano appiattiti fino a misurare in alcuni punti meno di 2 cm. Vicino alla mano sinistra, in cui erano probabilmente trattenute e da cui sono scivolate, sono state rinvenute due monete, verosimilmente due assi, il cui conio è ancora da identificare con precisione. È chiaro come tali indicatori, insieme alle numerosissime fratture a livello della quasi totalità degli elementi scheletrici, siano conseguenza dei forti traumi sul corpo dell’individuo al momento della morte, ma anche dei fattori tafonomici intervenuti successivamente a causa della pressione esercitata dal peso differenziato degli elementi sovrastanti, unitamente al profilo irregolare del piano pavimentale.


Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 7-8, fig. 10. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 4. Individuals 1 and 2 on floor of room.
The remains of the three individuals, unexpectedly discovered during the removal of the last 40 cm of residual stratigraphy, were characterized by a series of peculiarities deriving from the uncommon conditions of death and their positioning.
The second individual, an adult probably of female sex, lay on the left side, the skull smashed in at the level of the skull base and embedded in the rib cage, the jaw and face area turned and pressed against the east wall of the room. The left limb was flexed, the wrist also against the wall. The right upper limb was below the body, with the forearm covered by the pelvic girdle. In the latter, a rotation was clearly detectable which led to the crossing of the two femurs, to the positioning of the area in the prone position and to the dislocation of the right femur.
The third individual is represented, due to the causes already described in the previous contributions, by a few bone fragments pertaining to an infant individual of about 3-4 years of age. The presence of some connected metatarsals suggest that the individual's death occurred near the south-east corner of the room.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Ambiente 4. Individui 1 e 2 sul piano della camera.
I resti dei tre individui, rinvenuti inaspettatamente durante la rimozione degli ultimi 40 cm di stratigrafia residua erano caratterizzati da una serie di peculiarità derivanti dalle non comuni condizioni di morte e poi di giacitura.
Il secondo individuo, un adulto di probabile sesso femminile, giaceva sul fianco sinistro, il cranio sfondato a livello della base cranica e incassato nella gabbia toracica, il distretto maxillo-facciale rivolto e pressato contro il muro est dell’ambiente. L’arto sinistro era flesso, il polso anch’esso contro al muro. L’arto superiore destro era al di sotto del corpo, con l’avambraccio coperto dal cinto pelvico. In quest’ultimo era chiaramente rilevabile una rotazione che ha portato all’incrocio dei due femori, al posizionamento del distretto in posizione prona e alla dislocazione del femore.
Il terzo individuo è rappresentato, per le cause già descritte nei precedenti contributi, da pochi frammenti ossei pertinenti a un individuo infantile di circa 3-4 anni. La presenza di alcuni metatarsali in connessione suggeriscono che la morte dell’individuo sia avvenuta in prossimità dell’angolo sud-est dell’ambiente.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 7ff, fig. 9. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 4. Individuals 1 and 2 on floor of room.

The remains of the three individuals, unexpectedly discovered during the removal of the last 40 cm of residual stratigraphy, were characterized by a series of peculiarities deriving from the uncommon conditions of death and their positioning.

The second individual, an adult probably of female sex, lay on the left side, the skull smashed in at the level of the skull base and embedded in the rib cage, the jaw and face area turned and pressed against the east wall of the room. The left limb was flexed, the wrist also against the wall. The right upper limb was below the body, with the forearm covered by the pelvic girdle. In the latter, a rotation was clearly detectable which led to the crossing of the two femurs, to the positioning of the area in the prone position and to the dislocation of the right femur.

The third individual is represented, due to the causes already described in the previous contributions, by a few bone fragments pertaining to an infant individual of about 3-4 years of age. The presence of some connected metatarsals suggest that the individual's death occurred near the south-east corner of the room.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Ambiente 4. Individui 1 e 2 sul piano della camera.

I resti dei tre individui, rinvenuti inaspettatamente durante la rimozione degli ultimi 40 cm di stratigrafia residua erano caratterizzati da una serie di peculiarità derivanti dalle non comuni condizioni di morte e poi di giacitura.

Il secondo individuo, un adulto di probabile sesso femminile, giaceva sul fianco sinistro, il cranio sfondato a livello della base cranica e incassato nella gabbia toracica, il distretto maxillo-facciale rivolto e pressato contro il muro est dell’ambiente. L’arto sinistro era flesso, il polso anch’esso contro al muro. L’arto superiore destro era al di sotto del corpo, con l’avambraccio coperto dal cinto pelvico. In quest’ultimo era chiaramente rilevabile una rotazione che ha portato all’incrocio dei due femori, al posizionamento del distretto in posizione prona e alla dislocazione del femore.

Il terzo individuo è rappresentato, per le cause già descritte nei precedenti contributi, da pochi frammenti ossei pertinenti a un individuo infantile di circa 3-4 anni. La presenza di alcuni metatarsali in connessione suggeriscono che la morte dell’individuo sia avvenuta in prossimità dell’angolo sud-est dell’ambiente.


Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 7ff, fig. 9. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bread making room 4, looking south with door to bakery room 7 and oven 7a.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bread making room 4, looking south with door to bakery room 7 and oven 7a.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 4 south wall and north side of oven 7a with door to bakery room 7.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 4 south wall and north side of oven 7a with door to bakery room 7.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bread making room 4, south-west corner.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bread making room 4, south-west corner.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 4, west wall, with remains of plaster on wall.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 4, west wall, with remains of plaster on wall.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 7 and oven 7a. Looking west to the oven. Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 7 and oven 7a. Looking west to the oven.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. December 2023. Oven 7a. Looking west to the oven front. 
The partially visible structures already suggested the presence of a production facility with an oven, a hypothesis that was confirmed when the burying material was removed. 
Along the north wall of oven 7a, a rectangular basin (ca. 1.50 x 0.80 m) was uncovered, the bottom of which has not yet been reached.
A significant feature of room 7 is the presence of two circular masonry structures, not entirely visible at present, on which the circular cones of two millstones must originally have rested, cones that are, however, not present on the bases. The condition of the excavation, which is still in progress, leads one to be cautious; however, it is legitimate to ask whether the absence of the millstones is attributable to removals that occurred during the 19th-century excavations.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Forno 7a. Vista verso ovest sul fronte del forno. 
Le strutture parzialmente a vista facevano già supporre la presenza di un impianto produttivo con forno, ipotesi che ha trovato conferma allorché si è proceduto alla rimozione dell’interro.
Lungo la parete nord del vano 7a si è messa in luce una vasca rettangolare (1.50 x 0.80 m ca.) di cui ancora non si è raggiunto il fondo.
Elemento significativo di ambiente 7 è la presenza di due strutture circolari in muratura, attualmente non del tutto visibili, su cui, in origine, dovevano poggiare le mete circolari di due macine, mete che però non sono presenti sulle basi. La condizione dello scavo ancora in fieri induce ad essere cauti, ad ogni modo è lecito domandarsi se la mancanza delle macine sia imputabile ad asportazioni avvenute durante gli scavi ottocenteschi.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 4, fig. 3. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. December 2023. Oven 7a. Looking west to the oven front.

The partially visible structures already suggested the presence of a production facility with an oven, a hypothesis that was confirmed when the burying material was removed.

Along the north wall of oven 7a, a rectangular basin (ca. 1.50 x 0.80 m) was uncovered, the bottom of which has not yet been reached.

A significant feature of room 7 is the presence of two circular masonry structures, not entirely visible at present, on which the circular cones of two millstones must originally have rested, cones that are, however, not present on the bases. The condition of the excavation, which is still in progress, leads one to be cautious; however, it is legitimate to ask whether the absence of the millstones is attributable to removals that occurred during the 19th-century excavations.


IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Forno 7a. Vista verso ovest sul fronte del forno.

Le strutture parzialmente a vista facevano già supporre la presenza di un impianto produttivo con forno, ipotesi che ha trovato conferma allorché si è proceduto alla rimozione dell’interro.

Lungo la parete nord del vano 7a si è messa in luce una vasca rettangolare (1.50 x 0.80 m ca.) di cui ancora non si è raggiunto il fondo.

Elemento significativo di ambiente 7 è la presenza di due strutture circolari in muratura, attualmente non del tutto visibili, su cui, in origine, dovevano poggiare le mete circolari di due macine, mete che però non sono presenti sulle basi. La condizione dello scavo ancora in fieri induce ad essere cauti, ad ogni modo è lecito domandarsi se la mancanza delle macine sia imputabile ad asportazioni avvenute durante gli scavi ottocenteschi.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Ri-scavare Pompei: nuovi dati interdisciplinari dagli ambienti indagate a fine ‘800 di Regio IX, 10.1.4. E-journal 2, Scavi di Pompeii, 29.5.2023, p. 4, fig. 3. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. December 2023. Bakery room 7.
The bakery is ascribed to a building phase, which we are led to place in the post-seismic period of 62 AD on the basis of the wall evidence. 
When creating the production plant, care was taken to supply drinking water via a pipe that originates from the nearby water tower located at the north-east corner of IX.10, reaches the house at number 2 where the laundry is located, runs diagonally across the house at number 1 and finally flows into a rectangular basin in room (7).
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 87, figg. 2 and 3. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1 Pompeii. December 2023. Bakery room 7.

The bakery is ascribed to a building phase, which we are led to place in the post-seismic period of 62 AD on the basis of the wall evidence.

When creating the production plant, care was taken to supply drinking water via a pipe that originates from the nearby water tower located at the north-east corner of IX.10, reaches the house at number 2 where the laundry is located, runs diagonally across the house at number 1 and finally flows into a rectangular basin in room (7).

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 87, figg. 2 and 3. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii. December 2023. Millstone with indentations in paving slabs around it.
According to PAP Director Gabriel Zuchtriegel, this was a bakery-prison, where enslaved workers and donkeys were confined and exploited to grind the grain needed to make bread. A cramped room with no view of the outside world and with small windows high in the wall with iron bars to let the light in. In the floor indentations to coordinate the movement of the animals, forced to walk around for hours, blindfolded. In the floor are indentations to coordinate the movement of donkeys and enslaved workers
The production area that has been uncovered is devoid of doors and communication with the outside world; the only exit leads into the atrium of the house, not even the stable has direct access to the street. 
The area of the millstones, located in the southern part of the central room, is adjacent to the stable, characterised by the presence of a long feeding trough.
A series of semicircular indentations can be seen in the volcanic basalt paving slabs around the millstones. Given the robust durability of the material, it is likely that what at first glance might appear to be "footprints" are actually deliberate carvings made to prevent draught animals from slipping on the pavement and simultaneously tracing a path, thus forming a "circular furrow" (curva canalis) as Apuleius describes it.
Iconographic and literary sources, particularly the reliefs from the tomb of Eurysaces in Rome, suggest that a millstone was usually moved by a couple consisting of a donkey and a slave. The latter, in addition to pushing the grindstone, had the task of inciting the animal and monitoring the grinding process, adding grain, and collecting the flour.
The wear on the various indentations can be attributed to the endless cycles, always the same, carried out according to the pattern laid out in the pavement. 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
See PAP E-Journal-8.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. December 2023. Millstone with indentations in paving slabs around it.

According to PAP Director Gabriel Zuchtriegel, this was a bakery-prison, where enslaved workers and donkeys were confined and exploited to grind the grain needed to make bread. A cramped room with no view of the outside world and with small windows high in the wall with iron bars to let the light in. In the floor indentations to coordinate the movement of the animals, forced to walk around for hours, blindfolded. In the floor are indentations to coordinate the movement of donkeys and enslaved workers

The production area that has been uncovered is devoid of doors and communication with the outside world; the only exit leads into the atrium of the house, not even the stable has direct access to the street.

The area of the millstones, located in the southern part of the central room, is adjacent to the stable, characterised by the presence of a long feeding trough.

A series of semicircular indentations can be seen in the volcanic basalt paving slabs around the millstones. Given the robust durability of the material, it is likely that what at first glance might appear to be "footprints" are actually deliberate carvings made to prevent draught animals from slipping on the pavement and simultaneously tracing a path, thus forming a "circular furrow" (curva canalis) as Apuleius describes it.

Iconographic and literary sources, particularly the reliefs from the tomb of Eurysaces in Rome, suggest that a millstone was usually moved by a couple consisting of a donkey and a slave. The latter, in addition to pushing the grindstone, had the task of inciting the animal and monitoring the grinding process, adding grain, and collecting the flour.

The wear on the various indentations can be attributed to the endless cycles, always the same, carried out according to the pattern laid out in the pavement.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

See PAP E-Journal-8.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bakery room 7 and oven 7a. Looking west at the oven.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bakery room 7 and oven 7a. Looking west at the oven.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bakery room 7, looking north-west from near the oven 7a. 
Looking towards the Via di Nola across the remains of bread making room 4 on the west side of the entrance.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2010. Bakery room 7, looking north-west from near the oven 7a.

Looking towards the Via di Nola across the remains of bread making room 4 on the west side of the entrance.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Atrium 2, painting on west wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Atrium 2, painting on west wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Atrium 2, detail of still-life in the centre of a black panel on the west wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024.

Atrium 2, detail of still-life in the centre of a black panel on the west wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall during excavation.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest durante lo scavo.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall during initial excavation.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest durante lo scavo iniziale.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Still life on black panel with carpet border.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Natura morta su pannello nero racchiuso da una bordura di tappeto.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Still life on black panel with carpet border.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Natura morta su pannello nero racchiuso da una bordura di tappeto.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Further excavation showing bordered panel.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Ulteriore scavo che mostra pannello bordato.
Photograph courtesy of Davide Peluso.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Further excavation showing bordered panel.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Ulteriore scavo che mostra pannello bordato.

Photograph courtesy of Davide Peluso.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Geometric decoration and garlanded ox skull to south of the still life.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Decorazione geometrica e bucranio inghirlandato a sud della natura morta. 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023.

Atrium 2 west wall. Geometric decoration and garlanded ox skull to south of the still life.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Decorazione geometrica e bucranio inghirlandato a sud della natura morta.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall with still life in the centre of a panel with a black background enclosed by a carpet border and with a geometric panel.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest con natura morta al centro di un pannello a fondo nero racchiuso da una bordura di tappeto e con uno pannello geometrico.
Photograph courtesy of Davide Peluso.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023.

Atrium 2 west wall with still life in the centre of a panel with a black background enclosed by a carpet border and with a geometric panel.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest con natura morta al centro di un pannello a fondo nero racchiuso da una bordura di tappeto e con uno pannello geometrico.

Photograph courtesy of Davide Peluso.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Still life.
The composition, created in a free field in the centre of a panel with a black background enclosed by a carpet border, is structured on two perspective planes rendered by shelves. On the upper shelf rests a large silver tray with movable handles containing a cantharus of the same material, filled with wine, and various dried and seasonal fruits. Part of these fruits are painted above a brown element (perhaps a basket or, more likely, a focaccia) which occupies the entire left portion of the tray. The lower shelf rendered in perspective evokes a wooden canteen on which hangs a band hanging from the fruits of the composition.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Natura morta.
La composizione, realizzata in campo libero al centro di un pannello a fondo nero racchiuso da una bordura di tappeto, è strutturata su due piani prospettici resi da mensole. Sulla mensola superiore è poggiato un grande vassoio in argento ad anse mobili contenente un cantharus dello stesso materiale, ricolmo di vino, e diversi frutti secchi e di stagione. Parte di questi frutti sono dipinti al di sopra di un elemento di colore bruno (forse una cesta o, più probabilmente, una focaccia) che occupa l’intera porzione sinistra del vassoio. La mensola inferiore resa in prospettiva rievoca una mensa in legno su cui ricade una benda pendente dai frutti della composizione.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 2, fig. 2. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Still life.

The composition, created in a free field in the centre of a panel with a black background enclosed by a carpet border, is structured on two perspective planes rendered by shelves. On the upper shelf rests a large silver tray with movable handles containing a cantharus of the same material, filled with wine, and various dried and seasonal fruits. Part of these fruits are painted above a brown element (perhaps a basket or, more likely, a focaccia) which occupies the entire left portion of the tray. The lower shelf rendered in perspective evokes a wooden canteen on which hangs a band hanging from the fruits of the composition.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Natura morta.

La composizione, realizzata in campo libero al centro di un pannello a fondo nero racchiuso da una bordura di tappeto, è strutturata su due piani prospettici resi da mensole. Sulla mensola superiore è poggiato un grande vassoio in argento ad anse mobili contenente un cantharus dello stesso materiale, ricolmo di vino, e diversi frutti secchi e di stagione. Parte di questi frutti sono dipinti al di sopra di un elemento di colore bruno (forse una cesta o, più probabilmente, una focaccia) che occupa l’intera porzione sinistra del vassoio. La mensola inferiore resa in prospettiva rievoca una mensa in legno su cui ricade una benda pendente dai frutti della composizione.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 2, fig. 2. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. It looks like a pizza?
Whilst it looks like a pizza, this image from a Pompeian painting from 2000 years ago obviously can't be, since some of the most characteristic ingredients are missing, namely tomatoes and mozzarella. However, it could be a distant ancestor of the modern dish, elevated to the status of a World Heritage element in 2017 as the "traditional art of the Neapolitan pizza chef'.
As the archaeologists of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii explain, it is possible to suppose that next to a wine cup placed on a silver tray, there is depicted a flat focaccia that functions as a support for various fruits, (that can be identified as pomegranate, and maybe a date), with spices and perhaps with a type of pesto, (moretum in Latin) as indicated by yellow and ochre dots, possibly condiments. Moreover, on the same tray, dried fruits and a garland of yellow strawberry trees are present next to the dates and pomegranate.
See PAP: Pompeii: a still life discovered by the new excavations of Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Sembra una pizza?
Sembra una pizza, quello che si vede su un dipinto pompeiano di 2000 anni fa, ma ovviamente non lo può essere, a rigore, dato che mancavano alcuni degli ingredienti più caratteristici, ovvero pomodori e mozzarella. Tuttavia potrebbe essere un lontano antenato della pietanza moderna, elevata a patrimonio dell'umanità nel 2017 in quanto "arte tradizionale del pizzaiuolo napoletano'.
Come spiegano gli archeologi del Parco Archeologico di Pompei, si suppone che accanto a un calice di vino, posato su un vassoio di argento, sia raffigurata una focaccia di forma piatta che funge da supporto per frutti vari (individuabili un melograno e forse un dattero), condita con spezie o forse piuttosto con un tipo di pesto (moretum in latino), indicato da puntini color giallastro e ocra. Inoltre, presenti sullo stesso vassoio, frutta secca e una ghirlanda di corbezzoli gialli, accanto a datteri e melograni.
Photograph courtesy of Davide Peluso.
Vedi PAP: Pompei: emerge una natura morta dai nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. It looks like a pizza?

Whilst it looks like a pizza, this image from a Pompeian painting from 2000 years ago obviously can't be, since some of the most characteristic ingredients are missing, namely tomatoes and mozzarella. However, it could be a distant ancestor of the modern dish, elevated to the status of a World Heritage element in 2017 as the "traditional art of the Neapolitan pizza chef'.

As the archaeologists of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii explain, it is possible to suppose that next to a wine cup placed on a silver tray, there is depicted a flat focaccia that functions as a support for various fruits, (that can be identified as pomegranate, and maybe a date), with spices and perhaps with a type of pesto, (moretum in Latin) as indicated by yellow and ochre dots, possibly condiments. Moreover, on the same tray, dried fruits and a garland of yellow strawberry tree are present next to the dates and pomegranates.

See PAP: Pompeii: a still life discovered by the new excavations of Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Sembra una pizza?

Sembra una pizza, quello che si vede su un dipinto pompeiano di 2000 anni fa, ma ovviamente non lo può essere, a rigore, dato che mancavano alcuni degli ingredienti più caratteristici, ovvero pomodori e mozzarella. Tuttavia potrebbe essere un lontano antenato della pietanza moderna, elevata a patrimonio dell'umanità nel 2017 in quanto "arte tradizionale del pizzaiuolo napoletano'.

Come spiegano gli archeologi del Parco Archeologico di Pompei, si suppone che accanto a un calice di vino, posato su un vassoio di argento, sia raffigurata una focaccia di forma piatta che funge da supporto per frutti vari (individuabili un melograno e forse un dattero), condita con spezie o forse piuttosto con un tipo di pesto (moretum in latino), indicato da puntini color giallastro e ocra. Inoltre, presenti sullo stesso vassoio, frutta secca e una ghirlanda di corbezzoli gialli, accanto a datteri e melograni.

Photograph courtesy of Davide Peluso.

Vedi PAP: Pompei: emerge una natura morta dai nuovi scavi della Regio IX


IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Fresco of offering tray.
We have here both the theme of the sacred offering and that of hospitality, albeit indirectly, since eating the frugal meal is a sign of having finally found a hospitable land for the Trojan fugitives.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Affresco del vassoio delle offerte.
Abbiamo qui sia il tema dell’offerta sacra, sia quello dell’ospitalità, seppure in maniera indiretta, dal momento che il mangiare il pasto frugale è segno di aver finalmente trovato una terra ospitale per i fuggitivi troiani.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 6, fig. 2. E-journal on PAP web site

IX.10.1 Pompeii. June 2023. Atrium 2 west wall. Fresco of offering tray.

We have here both the theme of the sacred offering and that of hospitality, albeit indirectly, since eating the frugal meal is a sign of having finally found a hospitable land for the Trojan fugitives.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Giugno 2023. Atrio 2 parete ovest. Affresco del vassoio delle offerte.

Abbiamo qui sia il tema dell’offerta sacra, sia quello dell’ospitalità, seppure in maniera indiretta, dal momento che il mangiare il pasto frugale è segno di aver finalmente trovato una terra ospitale per i fuggitivi troiani.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 6, fig. 2. E-journal on PAP web site


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Fresco of Poseidon and Amymone with medallion.
In the atrium house with adjoining oven, two frescoed cubicula, depicting scenes from myths have emerged: Poseidon and Amymone in the first and Apollo and Daphne in the second. In the first of the two rooms, there are traces of charred furniture due to a fire that broke out during the catastrophe.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Affresco di Poseidone e Amimone con medaglione.
Nell'atrio dell'abitazione con forno annesso, sono riemersi due cubicoli affrescati con scene del mito: Poseidone e Amimone nel primo, Apollo e Dafne nel secondo. Nel primo dei due ambienti si conservano le tracce del mobilio carbonizzato a causa di un incendio che si sviluppò durante la catastrofe. 

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Fresco of Poseidon and Amymone with medallion.

In the atrium house with adjoining oven, two frescoed cubicula, depicting scenes from myths have emerged: Poseidon and Amymone in the first and Apollo and Daphne in the second. In the first of the two rooms, there are traces of charred furniture due to a fire that broke out during the catastrophe.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Affresco di Poseidone e Amimone con medaglione.

Nell'atrio dell'abitazione con forno annesso, sono riemersi due cubicoli affrescati con scene del mito: Poseidone e Amimone nel primo, Apollo e Dafne nel secondo. Nel primo dei due ambienti si conservano le tracce del mobilio carbonizzato a causa di un incendio che si sviluppò durante la catastrofe.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Medallion to west of fresco of Poseidon and Amymone.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Medaglione a ovest dell’affresco di Poseidone e Amimone.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Medallion to west of fresco of Poseidon and Amymone.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Medaglione a ovest dell’affresco di Poseidone e Amimone.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See PAP: Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Fresco of Poseidon and Amymone and medallion.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Affresco di Poseidone e Amimone e medaglione.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Fresco of Poseidon and Amymone and medallion.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Affresco di Poseidone e Amimone e medaglione.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See PAP: Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Fresco of Poseidon and Amymone.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Affresco di Poseidone e Amimone.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 5. South wall. Fresco of Poseidon and Amymone.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 5. Parete sud. Affresco di Poseidone e Amimone.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


Room 5 has a clay-based cement floor decorated with limestone flakes, while the walls show a 4th style decoration that is only partially preserved, as the north, east and west walls lack the middle and upper sections. The zoccolo has a low black podium distinguished, by a white band, from the zoccolo, equally with a black background, with rectangular panels adorned with vegetal motifs interspersed with carpet edges. Between the panels, narrow compartments framed by green bands alternate between white bands decorated with figures. The central area, structured in panels interspersed with compartments with perspective backgrounds, also features carpet border motifs. In the centre of the southern wall is a painting depicting the myth of Poseidon and Amymone.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 8. North wall. Fresco of Apollo and Daphne.
IX.10.1 Pompeii. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 8. Parete nord. Affresco di Apollo e Dafne.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Vedi/See PAP : Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 8. North wall. Fresco of Apollo and Daphne.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 8. Parete nord. Affresco di Apollo e Dafne.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See PAP: Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 8. North wall. Fresco of Apollo and Daphne.
IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 8. Parete nord. Affresco di Apollo e Dafne.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 8. North wall. Fresco of Apollo and Daphne.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 8. Parete nord. Affresco di Apollo e Dafne.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 8.
IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 8
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Room 8 has a clay-based cement floor decorated with limestone flakes, and 4th style walls. The zoccolo shows a fake marble decoration with mirrors on a yellow background, framed by bands where reds and blacks predominate which seem to recall African marble. A red border distinguishes the plinth from a low podium adorned with alternating black and white diagonal bands, which, in a schematic and stylized way, imitate a marble covering. The median area, with a white background, is divided into a grid through thin yellow shoots; at the junction points of the shoots, squares in grey and rounds in amaranth alternate, the former decorated with animals, both herbivorous and carnivorous, gradients or rampant towards the right, the latter decorated with rosettes, cupids or other figures in flight (Fig. 5) . At the centre of each square created by the grid is a round amaranth often surrounded by a crown of petals and framed by a stylized yellow vegetal circle towards which four palmettes turn. On the southern wall, off-centre and overpainted, there is a painting which presents the myth of Apollo and Daphne.
See Pompeii E-Journal 06 28.09.2023, p. 62, fig. 5. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1 Pompeii. May 2023. Cubiculum 8.

IX.10.1 Pompei. Maggio 2023. Cubiculum 8

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Room 8 has a clay-based cement floor decorated with limestone flakes, and 4th style walls. The zoccolo shows a fake marble decoration with mirrors on a yellow background, framed by bands where reds and blacks predominate which seem to recall African marble. A red border distinguishes the zoccolo from a low podium adorned with alternating black and white diagonal bands, which, in a schematic and stylized way, imitate a marble covering. The median area, with a white background, is divided into a grid through thin yellow shoots; at the junction points of the shoots, squares in grey and rounds in amaranth alternate, the former decorated with animals, both herbivorous and carnivorous, gradients or rampant towards the right, the latter decorated with rosettes, cupids or other figures in flight. At the centre of each square created by the grid is a round amaranth often surrounded by a crown of petals and framed by a stylized yellow vegetal circle towards which four palmettes turn. On the north wall, off-centre and overpainted, there is a painting which presents the myth of Apollo and Daphne.

See Pompeii E-Journal 06 28.09.2023, p. 62, fig. 5. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii.  December 2023. Room 9.
Stable room 9 is a rectangular-shaped space characterised along the western side by a masonry structure with a trough used as a manger. 
The plain earthen floor in the area facing the manger revealed three post holes that must have supported a wooden structure, perhaps already disused at the time of the renovation site.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 88, fig. 5. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1 Pompeii.  December 2023. Room 9.

Stable room 9 is a rectangular-shaped space characterised along the western side by a masonry structure with a trough used as a manger.

The plain earthen floor in the area facing the manger revealed three post holes that must have supported a wooden structure, perhaps already disused at the time of the renovation site.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 88, fig. 5. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii.  Plan of excavations as at December 2023. 
Between the access opening to the stable (9) and the perimeter wall of the room (7) there is a latrine, directly connected to the sewers located along the western alley. The narrow space, which could be accessed by means of two steps, opens towards room (7), but is formed from the space of the stable room (9).
See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 88, p. 86, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1 Pompeii.  Plan of excavations as at December 2023.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Between the access opening to the stable (9) and the perimeter wall of the room (7) there is a latrine, directly connected to the sewers located along the western alley. The narrow space, which could be accessed by means of two steps, opens towards room (7), but is formed from the space of the stable room (9).

The room (13), probably used for the deposit and storage of sacks, was accessible from room (7), and is characterised by the presence, along the short sides (west and east), of pairs of bases in masonry bases intended to support wooden counters.

See Pompeii E-Journal 08, 08.12.2023, p. 88, p. 86, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12. September 2023 plan showing location of altar.
Room 12 of House IX, 10, 1, located to the southwest of the atrium, is accessible through a narrow corridor (10) that originally led to a now blocked doorway into the southern sector of the house. The extensive restoration and redistribution of the rooms of the dwelling and the internal routes to reach the individual functional sectors of the dwelling also affected this small rectangular space, possibly open at the time of the eruption, in which three windows open on the north and west walls to illuminate the adjoining rooms (13 and 9). Standing on the south wall is a large lararium found in an excellent state of preservation and with the burnt remains of the last offerings still in place (see below). 
Planimetria dopo i recenti scavi del 2023 che mostra la posizione dell'altare nella sala 12.
L’ambiente 12 della casa IX, 10, 1, posto a sud ovest dell’atrio, è accessibile da uno stretto corridoio (10) che in origine conduceva ad una porta tamponata, che immetteva nel settore meridionale della casa. I consistenti lavori di restauro e ridistribuzione degli ambienti della dimora e dei percorsi interni per raggiungere i singoli settori funzionali della stessa hanno interessato anche questo piccolo spazio rettangolare, forse a cielo aperto al momento dell’eruzione, in cui si aprono sulle pareti nord ed ovest tre finestre per illuminare gli ambienti attigui (13 e 9). A campeggiare sulla parete sud è un grande larario ritrovato in ottimo stato di conservazione e con i resti combusti delle ultime offerte ancora al loro posto (cfr. infra).
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 61, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12. September 2023 plan showing location of altar.

Room 12 of House IX, 10, 1, located to the southwest of the atrium, is accessible through a narrow corridor (10) that originally led to a now blocked doorway into the southern sector of the house. The extensive restoration and redistribution of the rooms of the dwelling and the internal routes to reach the individual functional sectors of the dwelling also affected this small rectangular space, possibly open at the time of the eruption, in which three windows open on the north and west walls to illuminate the adjoining rooms (13 and 9). Standing on the south wall is a large lararium found in an excellent state of preservation and with the burnt remains of the last offerings still in place (see below).

Planimetria dopo i recenti scavi del 2023 che mostra la posizione dell'altare nella sala 12.

L’ambiente 12 della casa IX, 10, 1, posto a sud ovest dell’atrio, è accessibile da uno stretto corridoio (10) che in origine conduceva ad una porta tamponata, che immetteva nel settore meridionale della casa. I consistenti lavori di restauro e ridistribuzione degli ambienti della dimora e dei percorsi interni per raggiungere i singoli settori funzionali della stessa hanno interessato anche questo piccolo spazio rettangolare, forse a cielo aperto al momento dell’eruzione, in cui si aprono sulle pareti nord ed ovest tre finestre per illuminare gli ambienti attigui (13 e 9). A campeggiare sulla parete sud è un grande larario ritrovato in ottimo stato di conservazione e con i resti combusti delle ultime offerte ancora al loro posto (cfr. infra).

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 61, fig. 1. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, looking west along south wall towards altar. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, looking west along south wall towards altar. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12. 
Photo of the south wall of the lararium (12).
The lararium is structured on two superimposed registers with an upper register decorated with stucco and a lower register decorated with frescoes.
Fotopiano della parete sud del larario (12).
La rappresentazione è strutturata su due registri sovrapposti con un registro superiore decorato a stucco ed uno inferiore decorato ad affresco.
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 64, fig. 10. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar found on south wall of room 12.

The lararium is structured on two superimposed registers with an upper register decorated with stucco and a lower register decorated with frescoes.

Fotopiano della parete sud del larario (12).

La rappresentazione è strutturata su due registri sovrapposti con un registro superiore decorato a stucco ed uno inferiore decorato ad affresco.

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 64, fig. 10. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, detail from east end of south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, detail from east end of south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. 
Room 12, altar and lararium at west end of south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024.

Room 12, altar and lararium at west end of south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. 
Room 12, detail of stucco serpents from centre of upper south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024.

Room 12, detail of stucco serpents from centre of upper south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, upper south wall with two stucco serpents. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
The upper register consists of a red background (1.30 x 2.10 m) surrounded by brown, in which two crested and bearded snakes are represented in stucco relief, among shrubs.
Serpenti in stucco dal registro superiore.
Il registro superiore è costituito da una specchiatura a fondo rosso (1,30 x 2,10 m) contornata di bruno, in cui sono rappresentati in rilievo di stucco due serpenti crestati e barbati, tra arbusti.
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 65, fig. 15. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, upper south wall with two stucco serpents. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

The upper register consists of a red background (1.30 x 2.10 m) surrounded by brown, in which two crested and bearded snakes are represented in stucco relief, among shrubs.

Serpenti in stucco dal registro superiore.

Il registro superiore è costituito da una specchiatura a fondo rosso (1,30 x 2,10 m) contornata di bruno, in cui sono rappresentati in rilievo di stucco due serpenti crestati e barbati, tra arbusti.

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 65, fig. 15. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, painted serpent on lower south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
The lower register consists of a white background into which the masonry pulvinus altar decorated in fresco with brown faux-marble highlights is inserted. On the left side there is a fresco of a crested and bearded serpent heading towards the altar, which is surmounted by a painted rectangular aedicule terminating in vegetal whorls, and which frames the Genius patris familias with cornucopia and patera making libations at a circular altar. 
The partial deterioration of the painted plaster base on which the scenes of the last phase are laid reveals, in a position off-centre from the previous one, a similar scene belonging to an older decorative phase.
Il registro inferiore è costituito da una specchiatura a fondo bianco (1,55 x 2,20 m) in cui si inserisce l’altare a pulvino in muratura (0,75 x 0,50 m) decorato ad affresco con lumeggiature brune a finto marmo. Sulla sinistra è affrescato un serpente crestato e barbato che si dirige verso l’altare (Fig. 12), sormontato da un’edicola rettangolare dipinta e terminante in girali vegetali, che inquadra il Genius patrisfamilias con cornucopia e patera che compie libagioni presso un altare circolare (Fig. 13). La parziale consunzione della base pittorica a grassello di calce su cui sono stese le scene di ultima fase lascia intravedere, in posizione decentrata rispetto alla precedente, una scena simile appartenente ad una fase decorativa più antica.
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 64, fig. 11. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, painted serpent on lower south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

The lower register consists of a white background into which the masonry pulvinus altar decorated in fresco with brown faux-marble highlights is inserted. On the left side there is a fresco of a crested and bearded serpent heading towards the altar, which is surmounted by a painted rectangular aedicule terminating in vegetal whorls, and which frames the Genius patris familias with cornucopia and patera making libations at a circular altar.

The partial deterioration of the painted plaster base on which the scenes of the last phase are laid reveals, in a position off-centre from the previous one, a similar scene belonging to an older decorative phase.

Il registro inferiore è costituito da una specchiatura a fondo bianco (1,55 x 2,20 m) in cui si inserisce l’altare a pulvino in muratura (0,75 x 0,50 m) decorato ad affresco con lumeggiature brune a finto marmo. Sulla sinistra è affrescato un serpente crestato e barbato che si dirige verso l’altare (Fig. 12), sormontato da un’edicola rettangolare dipinta e terminante in girali vegetali, che inquadra il Genius patris familias con cornucopia e patera che compie libagioni presso un altare circolare (Fig. 13). La parziale consunzione della base pittorica a grassello di calce su cui sono stese le scene di ultima fase lascia intravedere, in posizione decentrata rispetto alla precedente, una scena simile appartenente ad una fase decorativa più antica.

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 64, fig. 11. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.
Snake in the lower register.
On the left side there is a fresco of a crested and bearded serpent heading towards the altar.
Serpente nel registro inferiore.
Sulla sinistra è affrescato un serpente crestato e barbato che si dirige verso l’altare.
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 65, fig. 12. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar found in room 12.

On the lower left side of the altar, there is a fresco of a crested and bearded serpent heading towards the altar.

Serpente nel registro inferiore.

Sulla sinistra è affrescato un serpente crestato e barbato che si dirige verso l’altare.

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 65, fig. 12. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. 
Lararium and altar found in room 12. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
The altar is surmounted by a painted rectangular aedicule terminating in vegetal whorls, and which frames the Genius patris familias with cornucopia and patera making libations at a circular altar.
L’altare è sormontato da un’edicola rettangolare dipinta e terminante in girali vegetali, che inquadra il Genius patrisfamilias con cornucopia e patera che compie libagioni presso un altare circolare.
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 65, fig. 14. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024.

Lararium and altar found in room 12. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

The altar is surmounted by a painted rectangular aedicule terminating in vegetal whorls, and which frames the Genius patris familias with cornucopia and patera making libations at a circular altar.

L’altare è sormontato da un’edicola rettangolare dipinta e terminante in girali vegetali, che inquadra il Genius patrisfamilias con cornucopia e patera che compie libagioni presso un altare circolare.

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 65, fig. 14. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.
The burnt deposit on the altar of the lararium (12).
Il deposito combusto sull’altare del larario (12).
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 67, fig. 17. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.

The burnt deposit on the altar of the lararium (12).

Il deposito combusto sull’altare del larario (12).

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 67, fig. 17. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.
Traces of combustion on the altar during micro-excavation. Detail of the first level of the deposit (A); Deposit in section (B).
Tracce di combustione sull’altare in fase di microscavo. Dettaglio del primo livello del deposito (A); Sezione del deposito (B). 
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 67, fig. 18. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.

Traces of combustion on the altar during micro-excavation. Detail of the first level of the deposit (A); Deposit in section (B).

Tracce di combustione sull’altare in fase di microscavo. Dettaglio del primo livello del deposito (A); Sezione del deposito (B).

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 67, fig. 18. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.
Eggshell fragments from the surface level (A) and the deepest layer (B). There is a greater degree of fragmentation and widespread traces of combustion for the remains coming from the deeper level. 
Frammenti di guscio d’uovo dal livello superficiale (A) e da quello più profondo (B). Si nota un maggiore grado di frammentazione e diffuse tracce di combustione per i resti provenienti dal livello più profondo.
See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 68, fig. 20. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09 
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. September 2023. Lararium and altar recently found in room 12.

Eggshell fragments from the surface level (A) and the deepest layer (B). There is a greater degree of fragmentation and widespread traces of combustion for the remains coming from the deeper level.

Frammenti di guscio d’uovo dal livello superficiale (A) e da quello più profondo (B). Si nota un maggiore grado di frammentazione e diffuse tracce di combustione per i resti provenienti dal livello più profondo.

See PAP e-journal 6, 28.09.2023, p. 68, fig. 20. Download: PAP e-journals 2023 collection volumes 01-09

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. 
Room 12, top of altar against south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024.

Room 12, top of altar against south wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, lararium and altar. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, lararium and altar. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. 
Room 12, looking towards south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024.

Room 12, looking towards south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, detail of electoral recommendation from west wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.10.1, Pompeii. July 2024. Room 12, detail of electoral recommendation from west wall. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2024. 
Fragment of ceiling with painting of a Nilotic scene, on display in an exhibition in the Palaestra entitled –
“L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2024.

Fragment of ceiling with painting of a Nilotic scene, on display in an exhibition in the Palaestra entitled –

“L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2024. 
Detail of fragment of ceiling with painting showing a wayfarer in a Nilotic scene, on display in an exhibition entitled –
“L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2024.

Detail of fragment of ceiling with painting showing a wayfarer in a Nilotic scene, on display in an exhibition entitled –

“L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2024. Information card for fragment of ceiling with painting of a Nilotic scene.
On display in an exhibition in the Palaestra entitled –
“L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.10.1 Pompeii. March 2024. Information card for fragment of ceiling with painting of a Nilotic scene.

On display in an exhibition in the Palaestra entitled –

“L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.10.1 Pompeii (Side wall), on left. May 2005. Unnamed vicolo, looking south. IX.9, on right.

IX.10.1 Pompeii (Side wall), on left. May 2005. Unnamed vicolo, looking south. IX.9, on right.


IX.10.1 Pompeii (Side wall), on left. May 2005. Unnamed vicolo, looking south. IX.9, on right.

IX.10.1 Pompeii (Side wall), on left. May 2005. Unnamed vicolo, looking south. IX.9, on right.


IX.10.1 Pompeii, on left. May 2005. Unnamed vicolo, looking south. IX.9.8, on right.

IX.10.1 Pompeii, on left. May 2005. Unnamed vicolo, looking south. IX.9.8, on right.





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 29-Dec-2024 12:38